Our Story

Hello from the Eulberg family! We are Jeremy and Andi, and our children are Jaelin (18), Caden (16) and Gavin (14). God has called us to be missionaries to the country of Bolivia in South America. We were sent by West Rome Baptist Church in Manitou Beach, Michigan. Before surrendering to God's call to Bolivia, Jeremy worked for nearly 15 years in the banking and finance industry, and Andi spent several years as a cosmetologist before staying home to raise our children.
For most of our lives, we lived for ourselves. What we mean by that is that we followed after whatever passions and desires happened to be in our hearts on any given day. Even though we both grew up in Christian homes, we never really grabbed hold of the faith that our parents taught us and made it our own. Really up until our mid-20’s, although we professed to be Christians, for the most part we were putting on a show. The bible describes a people in Philippians 3:18-19 who were living exactly as we were: “For many, of whom I have often told you and now tell you even with tears, walk as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their end is destruction, their god is their belly, and they glory in their shame, with minds set on earthly things.”
About 15 years ago, God began to work in our hearts and show us our sin. Through a number of hardships and difficult circumstances, He began to turn our gaze back toward Him. Charles Spurgeon said “Nothing teaches us about the preciousness of the creator as much as when we learn the emptiness of everything else.” The same was true in our lives as we saw that the places we were spending our time, money, and energy had no eternal value. Praise God for His grace in our lives for allowing these difficulties, along with providing a Godly church family and friends who could help build us back up in our time of need. Psalm 40:2-3 says “He drew me up from the pit of destruction, out of the miry bog, and set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure. He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God.” Our greatest desire now is to see those around us know Christ in this same way and love Him with all of their hearts. Praise God for his redeeming work!
In January 2013, we had an opportunity to travel to Bolivia on a short term mission trip and it changed our lives. We saw a people with great needs. Many struggle with poverty, with alcoholism, or in a lot of cases both. There are many broken homes and absent fathers. Almost all have misplaced their trust in the emptiness of their traditional Catholicism and, just like we were, are walking as “enemies of the cross of Christ.” Jesus Christ is the only one who can break this cycle, and so there is a great need for bible-believing churches to be planted in this place.
God has burdened our hearts during a period of four years as we returned to Bolivia four separate times. Each time we went, it became harder to leave as we fell in love with the people and grew in our desire to see Christ proclaimed in a greater way there. This is something that was never even on our radar as we were involved in careers, raising a family, and living the American dream. Out of faith, we enrolled Jeremy in Bible College in July of 2014 and he graduated in May of 2016 with a Bible degree. That same month, we applied to Baptist Bible Fellowship International (BBFI) as missionaries and have dedicated our lives to go and spread the gospel in Tarija, Bolivia. This was not an easy decision and has required much change in our lives. We have sold our home, and Jeremy has quit his job and we are eager to get to the place where God has called us. We began raising support in September of 2016, and were fully funded by May of 2017. On July 11, 2017 we moved to Bolivia.
Ministry has been a blessing to our family. We have had the blessing of being involved in starting a new work, serving and ministering in an existing church that had been struggling, and being involved with a camp ministry. It is very busy, but we love what we do. One of the things that we have enjoyed the most is seeing our kids take ownership of different areas of the ministry as well.
Our ability be in Bolivia and to do the work God has called us to do is contingent on the prayer and financial support of churches and individuals who share our vision and who God has called to be a part of our ministry. Would you consider meeting with us to discuss our ministry and how you can be a part? Or if the story of God’s grace in our lives in spite of our wandering has stirred your heart, please let us know so that we can be praying for you! We can be reached by email at [email protected]. Thank you so much, and God Bless You!
For most of our lives, we lived for ourselves. What we mean by that is that we followed after whatever passions and desires happened to be in our hearts on any given day. Even though we both grew up in Christian homes, we never really grabbed hold of the faith that our parents taught us and made it our own. Really up until our mid-20’s, although we professed to be Christians, for the most part we were putting on a show. The bible describes a people in Philippians 3:18-19 who were living exactly as we were: “For many, of whom I have often told you and now tell you even with tears, walk as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their end is destruction, their god is their belly, and they glory in their shame, with minds set on earthly things.”
About 15 years ago, God began to work in our hearts and show us our sin. Through a number of hardships and difficult circumstances, He began to turn our gaze back toward Him. Charles Spurgeon said “Nothing teaches us about the preciousness of the creator as much as when we learn the emptiness of everything else.” The same was true in our lives as we saw that the places we were spending our time, money, and energy had no eternal value. Praise God for His grace in our lives for allowing these difficulties, along with providing a Godly church family and friends who could help build us back up in our time of need. Psalm 40:2-3 says “He drew me up from the pit of destruction, out of the miry bog, and set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure. He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God.” Our greatest desire now is to see those around us know Christ in this same way and love Him with all of their hearts. Praise God for his redeeming work!
In January 2013, we had an opportunity to travel to Bolivia on a short term mission trip and it changed our lives. We saw a people with great needs. Many struggle with poverty, with alcoholism, or in a lot of cases both. There are many broken homes and absent fathers. Almost all have misplaced their trust in the emptiness of their traditional Catholicism and, just like we were, are walking as “enemies of the cross of Christ.” Jesus Christ is the only one who can break this cycle, and so there is a great need for bible-believing churches to be planted in this place.
God has burdened our hearts during a period of four years as we returned to Bolivia four separate times. Each time we went, it became harder to leave as we fell in love with the people and grew in our desire to see Christ proclaimed in a greater way there. This is something that was never even on our radar as we were involved in careers, raising a family, and living the American dream. Out of faith, we enrolled Jeremy in Bible College in July of 2014 and he graduated in May of 2016 with a Bible degree. That same month, we applied to Baptist Bible Fellowship International (BBFI) as missionaries and have dedicated our lives to go and spread the gospel in Tarija, Bolivia. This was not an easy decision and has required much change in our lives. We have sold our home, and Jeremy has quit his job and we are eager to get to the place where God has called us. We began raising support in September of 2016, and were fully funded by May of 2017. On July 11, 2017 we moved to Bolivia.
Ministry has been a blessing to our family. We have had the blessing of being involved in starting a new work, serving and ministering in an existing church that had been struggling, and being involved with a camp ministry. It is very busy, but we love what we do. One of the things that we have enjoyed the most is seeing our kids take ownership of different areas of the ministry as well.
Our ability be in Bolivia and to do the work God has called us to do is contingent on the prayer and financial support of churches and individuals who share our vision and who God has called to be a part of our ministry. Would you consider meeting with us to discuss our ministry and how you can be a part? Or if the story of God’s grace in our lives in spite of our wandering has stirred your heart, please let us know so that we can be praying for you! We can be reached by email at [email protected]. Thank you so much, and God Bless You!